Group LPnetlib

Group Description
NETLIB Linear Programming problems,

matrices/LPnetlib/README.  Tim Davis, May 15, 1997. (davis :at the domain:

The files in this directory are a translation of the linear programming
problems in Netlib.  You can obtain more information about the Netlib LP
problems by sending email to netlib :at the domain: with the message
"send index from lp".

NOTICE!  The Netlib LP problems, in MPS format, should be considered the
"canonical" problems.  If you find any problems with different optimal
objectives than what is reported in Netlib, then please let me know.

The Netlib LP problems are in MPS or compressed MPS format.  Any compressed
MPS files were uncompressed using emps.c in the Netlib lp/data directory.
The MPS files were then converted to the KAR format using the mpsrd program
by M.G.C. Resende and G. Veiga.  The mpsrd program does not process RANGES,
so five problems (boeing1, boeing2, forplan, nesm, and seba) do not appear
here.  The KAR format is written out by mpsrd as follows:

c     name   - problem name (same as mps name card)
      write(out,'(a8)') name
c     m      - number or rows (input)
c     n      - number of columns (input)
      write(out,*) m,n
c     ia     - pointers to the begining of storage of column
      write(out,*) (ia(i),i=1,n+1)
c     ja     - row indices for each non zero entry (input)
      write(out,*) (ja(i),i=1,ia(n+1)-1)
c     a      - non zero entries (input)
      write(out,*) (a(i),i=1,ia(n+1)-1)
c     b      - right hand side (input)
      write(out,*) (b(i),i=1,m)
c     c      - objective vector (minimize)
      write(out,*) (c(i),i=1,n)
c     z0     - initial fixed value for objective
      write(out,*) z0
c     lobnd  - lower bounds on variables
      write(out,*) (lobnd(i),i=1,n)
c     upbnd  - upper bounds on variables
      write(out,*) (upbnd(i),i=1,n)

Mpsrd converts the MPS problem into a single form:

	minimize c'*x, subject to Ax=b and l<=x<=u.
	(and given an initial value of the objective, z0).

Next, the KAR formatted version of the LP problem was converted into
two formats by the readkar.f program, written by Tim Davis.  It generates
a single Matlab script, such as lp_afiro.m for the AFIRO problem.
For infeasible (lp/infeas) problems, the prefix is lpi_ (lpi_galenet.m for
the problem GALENET, for example).  This prefix was chosen so that you
are sure to notice that the problem is infeasible, and also because there
are two versions of the same problem in Netlib (GREENBEA), one feasible
and the other not.


The *.clu files contain the c, l, and u vectors,
and the scalar z0, for the LP problems held in
RRA format in the LPnetlib directory.  The dense vectors
appear in order: c, l, u, and then z0.  One entry is held
on each line. 

The RRA files contain A and b, in Harwell/Boeing format.

The LP problems are all of the form

	minimize c'*x, subject to Ax=b and l<=x<=u
	and where z0 is the initial value of the
Displaying collection matrices 61 - 80 of 138 in total
Id Name Group Rows Cols Nonzeros Kind Date Download File
628 lp_ganges LPnetlib 1,309 1,706 6,937 Linear Programming Problem MATLAB Rutherford Boeing Matrix Market
625 lp_fit1p LPnetlib 627 1,677 9,868 Linear Programming Problem 1990 MATLAB Rutherford Boeing Matrix Market
662 lp_qap8 LPnetlib 912 1,632 7,296 Linear Programming Problem MATLAB Rutherford Boeing Matrix Market
644 lp_modszk1 LPnetlib 687 1,620 3,168 Linear Programming Problem 1994 MATLAB Rutherford Boeing Matrix Market
604 lp_bnl1 LPnetlib 643 1,586 5,532 Linear Programming Problem 1989 MATLAB Rutherford Boeing Matrix Market
653 lp_perold LPnetlib 625 1,506 6,148 Linear Programming Problem 1989 MATLAB Rutherford Boeing Matrix Market
685 lp_ship04s LPnetlib 402 1,506 4,400 Linear Programming Problem MATLAB Rutherford Boeing Matrix Market
693 lp_standgub LPnetlib 361 1,383 3,338 Linear Programming Problem 1989 MATLAB Rutherford Boeing Matrix Market
676 lp_scsd6 LPnetlib 147 1,350 4,316 Linear Programming Problem 1981 MATLAB Rutherford Boeing Matrix Market
674 lp_scrs8 LPnetlib 490 1,275 3,288 Linear Programming Problem 1981 MATLAB Rutherford Boeing Matrix Market
692 lp_standata LPnetlib 359 1,274 3,230 Linear Programming Problem MATLAB Rutherford Boeing Matrix Market
694 lp_standmps LPnetlib 467 1,274 3,878 Linear Programming Problem 1989 MATLAB Rutherford Boeing Matrix Market
671 lp_scfxm2 LPnetlib 660 1,200 5,469 Linear Programming Problem 1981 MATLAB Rutherford Boeing Matrix Market
629 lp_gfrd_pnc LPnetlib 616 1,160 2,445 Linear Programming Problem MATLAB Rutherford Boeing Matrix Market
726 lpi_pilot4i LPnetlib 410 1,123 5,264 Linear Programming Problem 1993 MATLAB Rutherford Boeing Matrix Market
655 lp_pilot4 LPnetlib 410 1,123 5,264 Linear Programming Problem MATLAB Rutherford Boeing Matrix Market
723 lpi_klein3 LPnetlib 994 1,082 13,101 Linear Programming Problem MATLAB Rutherford Boeing Matrix Market
623 lp_finnis LPnetlib 497 1,064 2,760 Linear Programming Problem 1989 MATLAB Rutherford Boeing Matrix Market
624 lp_fit1d LPnetlib 24 1,049 13,427 Linear Programming Problem 1990 MATLAB Rutherford Boeing Matrix Market
622 lp_fffff800 LPnetlib 524 1,028 6,401 Linear Programming Problem MATLAB Rutherford Boeing Matrix Market