The SuiteSparse Matrix Collection (formerly the University of Florida Sparse Matrix Collection) is a widely used set of sparse matrix benchmarks collected from a wide range of applications. See the about page for more information.

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Matrix ID
Displaying collection matrices 1121 - 1140 of 2893 in total
Id Name Group Rows Cols Nonzeros Kind Date Download File
354 crystm02 Boeing 13,965 13,965 322,905 Materials Problem 1995 MATLAB Rutherford Boeing Matrix Market
351 crystk02 Boeing 13,965 13,965 968,583 Materials Problem 1995 MATLAB Rutherford Boeing Matrix Market
453 bayer02 Grund 13,935 13,935 63,307 Chemical Process Simulation Problem 1997 MATLAB Rutherford Boeing Matrix Market
2068 mk12-b3 JGD_Homology 51,975 13,860 207,900 Combinatorial Problem 2008 MATLAB Rutherford Boeing Matrix Market
1827 scagr7-2b Meszaros 9,743 13,847 35,885 Linear Programming Problem Sequence 2004 MATLAB Rutherford Boeing Matrix Market
571 jan99jac040sc Hollinger 13,694 13,694 72,734 Economic Problem 2001 MATLAB Rutherford Boeing Matrix Market
570 jan99jac040 Hollinger 13,694 13,694 72,734 Economic Problem 2001 MATLAB Rutherford Boeing Matrix Market
2254 192bit Priebel 13,691 13,682 154,303 Combinatorial Problem 2009 MATLAB Rutherford Boeing Matrix Market
1913 cyl6 TKK 13,681 13,681 714,241 Structural Problem 2008 MATLAB Rutherford Boeing Matrix Market
1912 cbuckle TKK 13,681 13,681 676,515 Structural Problem 2008 MATLAB Rutherford Boeing Matrix Market
2708 lowThrust_4 VDOL 13,562 13,562 160,947 Optimal Control Problem 2015 MATLAB Rutherford Boeing Matrix Market
445 garon2 Garon 13,535 13,535 373,235 Computational Fluid Dynamics Problem 1996 MATLAB Rutherford Boeing Matrix Market
627 lp_fit2p LPnetlib 3,000 13,525 50,284 Linear Programming Problem 1990 MATLAB Rutherford Boeing Matrix Market
927 poisson3Da FEMLAB 13,514 13,514 352,762 Computational Fluid Dynamics Problem 2003 MATLAB Rutherford Boeing Matrix Market
716 lpi_gosh LPnetlib 3,792 13,455 99,953 Linear Programming Problem 1993 MATLAB Rutherford Boeing Matrix Market
461 bayer10 Grund 13,436 13,436 71,594 Chemical Process Simulation Problem 1997 MATLAB Rutherford Boeing Matrix Market
1473 foldoc Pajek 13,356 13,356 120,238 Directed Weighted Graph 2002 MATLAB Rutherford Boeing Matrix Market
1517 Reuters911 Pajek 13,332 13,332 296,076 Undirected Weighted Graph Sequence 2001 MATLAB Rutherford Boeing Matrix Market
2341 mimo8x8_system Rommes 13,309 13,309 48,872 Eigenvalue/Model Reduction Problem 2010 MATLAB Rutherford Boeing Matrix Market
2346 zeros_nopss_13k Rommes 13,296 13,296 48,827 Eigenvalue/Model Reduction Problem 2010 MATLAB Rutherford Boeing Matrix Market