Group Mycielski
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Mycielski graph adjacency matrices matrices/Mycielski/README. Scott Kolodziej, June 27, 2018. The Mycielskian graph sequence generates graphs that are triangle-free and with a known chromatic number (i.e. the minimum number of colors required to color the vertices of the graph). The sequence starts with a 2 vertex, 1 edge graph (denoted M2) and repeatedly generates subsequent graphs by applying the Mycielskian operation. In MATLAB, the (sparse) Mycielskian operation can be written as follows: function M_new = mycielski(M) [n,~] = size(M); m = nnz(M); M_new = sparse([], [], [], 2*n+1, 2*n+1, 3*m+n); M_new(1:n, 1:n) = M; M_new((n+1):2*n, :) = sparse([M sparse(n,n) ones(n,1)]); M_new(:, (n+1):2*n) = sparse([M; sparse(n,n); ones(1,n)]); end More abstractly, the structure of the Mycielskian operation can be represented by the block matrix below: n n 1 _____ _____ _ | | | | n | M | M |0| |_____|_____|_| M_new = | | | | n | M | 0 |1| |_____|_____|_| 1 | 0 | 1 |0| ------------- Known properties of the Mycielskian operation include the following: * If a graph has a minimum chromatic number k, the Mycielskian of that graph has a minimum chromatic number of k + 1. * If a graph is triangle-free (i.e. no cycles of length 3 exist), so is the Mycielskian of that graph. * If a graph has a Hamiltonian cycle, so does the Mycielskian of that graph. * If a graph is factor-critical, so is the Mycielskian of that graph, meaning that every subgraph of |V|-1 vertices has a perfect matching. Mycielski graphs were first described by Jan Mycielski in the following publication: Mycielski, J., 1955. Sur le coloriage des graphes. Colloq. Math., 3: 161-162. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
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