
Pajek network: connectivity of internet routers
Name internet
Group Pajek
Matrix ID 1505
Num Rows 124,651
Num Cols 124,651
Nonzeros 207,214
Pattern Entries 207,214
Kind Directed Weighted Graph
Symmetric No
Date 2006
Editor V. Batagelj
Structural Rank
Structural Rank Full
Num Dmperm Blocks
Strongly Connect Components 116,713
Num Explicit Zeros 0
Pattern Symmetry 1.4%
Numeric Symmetry 0.2%
Cholesky Candidate no
Positive Definite no
Type integer
Download MATLAB Rutherford Boeing Matrix Market
Pajek network converted to sparse adjacency matrix for inclusion in UF sparse 
matrix collection, Tim Davis.  For Pajek datasets, See V. Batagelj & A. Mrvar,                                