
Pajek network: IMDB movie/actor network,
Group Pajek
Matrix ID 1504
Num Rows 428,440
Num Cols 896,308
Nonzeros 3,782,463
Pattern Entries 3,782,463
Kind Bipartite Graph
Symmetric No
Date 2006
Editor V. Batagelj
Structural Rank 250,516
Structural Rank Full false
Num Dmperm Blocks 34,003
Strongly Connect Components 132,714
Num Explicit Zeros 0
Pattern Symmetry 0%
Numeric Symmetry 0%
Cholesky Candidate no
Positive Definite no
Type binary
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Pajek network converted to sparse adjacency matrix for inclusion in UF sparse 
matrix collection, Tim Davis.  For Pajek datasets, See V. Batagelj & A. Mrvar,                                
A(i,j)=1 if actor j played in movie i.  colname(j,:) is the name of the actor.
Column j = 362,181 is Kevin Bacon.  Year of movie i is year(i).               
category(i) gives the category of movie i, use code(category(i),:).           
1: Drama, 2: Short, 3: Documentary, 4: Comedy, 5: Western, 6: Family,         
7: Mystery, 8: Thriller, 9: -, 10: Music, 11: Crime, 12: Sci-Fi, 13: Horror,  
14: War, 15: Fantasy, 16: Romance, 17: Adventure, 18: Animation, 19: Action,  
20: Musical, 21: Film-Noir, 99: Unknown.                                      
Remember that in MATLAB, A(i,:) is slow to compute; A(:,i) is faster.  If you 
want row i of a sparse matrix, access the ith column of the transpose instead.
aux.ActorBacon(j) is the Bacon number of actor j.  aux.MovieBacon(i) is the   
Bacon number of movie i.  The largest ActorBacon number is 8 (for 10 actors). 
MATLAB code for computing the Bacon numbers                                   
    Bacon = Problem.aux.KevinBacon ;                                          
    Bacon = Problem.aux.KevinBacon ;                                          
    A = Problem.A ;                                                           
    [m n] = size (A) ;                                                        
    C = [speye(m) A ; A' speye(n)] ;                                          
    x = zeros (m+n,1) ;                                                       
    B = inf * ones (m+n,1) ;                                                  
    x (m + Bacon) = 1 ;                                                       
    B (m + Bacon) = 0 ;                                                       
    tlen = 1 ;                                                                
    for k = 1:m+n                                                             
        x = x + C*x ;                                                         
        t = find (x) ;                                                        
        if (tlen == length (t))                                               
        tlen = length (t) ;                                                   
        B (t) = min (B (t), k) ;                                              
    MovieBacon = (B (1:m) - 1) / 2 ;                                          
    ActorBacon = B (m+1:end) / 2 ;