
3D pressure-temp evoluation in porous media
Name PFlow_742
Group Janna
Matrix ID 2661
Num Rows 742,793
Num Cols 742,793
Nonzeros 37,138,461
Pattern Entries 37,138,461
Kind 2D/3D Problem
Symmetric Yes
Date 2014
Author C. Janna, M. Ferronato
Editor T. Davis
Structural Rank 742,793
Structural Rank Full true
Num Dmperm Blocks 57,652
Strongly Connect Components 57,652
Num Explicit Zeros 0
Pattern Symmetry 100%
Numeric Symmetry 100%
Cholesky Candidate yes
Positive Definite yes
Type real
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Janna/PFlow_742: 3D pressure-temperature evolution in porous media
Authors: Carlo Janna and Massimiliano Ferronato                   
Symmetric Positive Definite Matrix                                
# equations:     742,793                                          
# non-zeroes: 37,138,461                                          
The matrix PFlow_742 is obtained from a 3D simulation of the      
pressure-temperature field in a multilayered porous media         
discretized by hexahedral Finite Elements. The ill-conditioning   
of the matrix is due to the strong contrasts in the material      
properties fo different layers.                                   
Further information may be found in the following paper:          
1) C. Janna, M. Ferronato, G. Gambolati. "The use of supernodes   
in factored sparse approximate inverse preconditioning". SIAM     
Journal on Scientific Computing, submitted.