
Differentials of the Voronoi complex of perfect forms of rank 7 mod GL_7(Z)
Name GL7d17
Group JGD_GL7d
Matrix ID 1990
Num Rows 1,548,650
Num Cols 955,128
Nonzeros 25,978,098
Pattern Entries 25,978,098
Kind Combinatorial Problem
Symmetric No
Date 2008
Author P. Elbaz-Vincent
Editor J.-G. Dumas
Structural Rank 954,861
Structural Rank Full false
Num Dmperm Blocks 3
Strongly Connect Components 4
Num Explicit Zeros 0
Pattern Symmetry 0%
Numeric Symmetry 0%
Cholesky Candidate no
Positive Definite no
Type integer
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Differentials of the Voronoi complex of perfect forms of rank 7 mod GL_7(Z)  
equivalences, (related to the cohomology of GL_7(Z) and the K-theory of Z).  
from Philippe Elbaz-Vincent, Institut Fourier, Grenoble, France.             
From Jean-Guillaume Dumas' Sparse Integer Matrix Collection,                 
mtx rank        n       m       ker         rank/min(n,m)   homology         
10 1            60      1       59                                           
11 59           1019    60      960         0,98333         0                
12 960          8899    1019    7939        0,94210         1                
13 7938         47271   8899    39333       0,89201         1                
14 39332        171375  47271   132043      0,83205         0                
15 132043       460261  171375  328218      0,77049         0                
16 328218       955128  460261  626910      0,71311         0                
17 626910       1548650 955128  921740      0,65636         0*               
18 921740*      1955309 1548650 1033569*    0,60*           1/0*             
19 103356(8/9)* 1911130 1955309 87756(2/1)* 0,54*           0/1*             
20 877562       1437547 1911130 559985      0,61            0                
21 559985       822922  1437547 262937      0,68048         0                
22 262937       349443  822922  86506       0,75245         0                
23 86505        105054  349443  18549       0,82343         1                
24 18549        21074   105054  2525        0,88018         0                
25 2525         2798    21074   273         0,90243         0                
26 273          305     2798    32          0,89508         0                
file    size              elements  rank    SF                               
GL7d10  1 x 60            8         1       1 (1)                            
GL7d11  60 x 1019         1513      59      1 (59)                           
GL7d12  1019 x 8899       37519     960     1 (958), 2 (2)                   
GL7d13  8899 x 47271      356232    7938    1 (7937), 2 (1)                  
GL7d14  47271 x 171375    1831183   39332   1 (39300),2 (29),4 (3)           
GL7d15  171375 x 460261   6080381   132043  1 (131993), 2*??? (46), 6*??? (4)
GL7d16  955128 x 460261   14488881  328218                                   
GL7d17  1548650 x 955128  25978098                                           
GL7d18  1955309 x 1548650 35590540                                           
GL7d19  1911130 x 1955309 37322725                                           
GL7d20  1437547 x 1911130 29893084  877562                                   
GL7d21  822922 x 1437547  18174775  559985                                   
GL7d22  349443 x 822922   8251000   262937                                   
GL7d23  105054 x 349443   2695430   86505   1 (86488), 2*??? (12), 6*??? (5) 
GL7d24  21074 x 105054    593892    18549   1 (18544),2 (4),4 (1)            
GL7d25  21074 x 2798      81671     2525    1 (2507), 2 (18)                 
GL7d26  2798 x 305        7412      273     1 (258), 2 (7), 6 (7), 36 (1)    
Filename in JGD collection: GL7d/GL7d17.sms