
Schenk: IBM TJ Watson, Yorktown, nonlinear optimization
Name c-71
Group GHS_indef
Matrix ID 1228
Num Rows 76,638
Num Cols 76,638
Nonzeros 859,520
Pattern Entries 859,554
Kind Optimization Problem
Symmetric Yes
Date 2004
Author IBM
Editor O. Schenk
Structural Rank 76,638
Structural Rank Full true
Num Dmperm Blocks 18
Strongly Connect Components 18
Num Explicit Zeros 34
Pattern Symmetry 100%
Numeric Symmetry 100%
Cholesky Candidate no
Positive Definite no
Type real
Download MATLAB Rutherford Boeing Matrix Market
Revised Nov 2006; relative eps changes to A, right-hand-side added.
Note that this matrix should have been placed in the Schenk_IBMNA/ 
directory when it was first added in August 2004, but moving it now
would disrupt exising users of the collection.