GAP/GAP-urand matrix: this is the 'urand' graph from the GAP
benchmark suite, as described in "The GAP Benchmark Suite", by Scott
Beamer, Krste Asanovic', and David Patterson, .
In that paper, the Urand graph is described as follows:
Urand (|V|=134.2M, |E|=2,147.4M, undirected) is synthetically
generated by the Erdos– Reyni model (Uniform Random) [11]. With
respect to locality, it represents the worst case as every
vertex has equal probability of being a neighbor of every other
vertex. When contrasted with the similarly sized kron graph, it
demonstrates the impact of kron’s scale-free property.
[11] Paul Erdos and Alfred Reyni. On random graphs. I.
Publicationes Mathematicae, 6:290–297, 1959.
The matrix has been given random integer edge weights, in the range
1 to 255, when included in the GAP benchmark test suite. The same
values of all matrix entries are preserved in this version.
The GAP breadth-first-search (BFS) benchmark generates 64 random
source nodes and evaluates the time to compute the BFS from each of
the 64 sources. The betweenness-centrality (BC) runs 16 trials with
4 source nodes each. These source nodes are the same, in the same
order. That is, the first 4 BFS source nodes are the same 4 source
nodes for the first trial of BC. In ONE-based notation (where nodes
are numbered 1 to n), the 64 source nodes are:
27691420 121280315 2413432 37512114
38390878 56651038 128461249 33029843
71406329 117872828 24351939 15444520
127526282 112279429 13631650 110379303
44800624 77768194 175348 107397390
43457210 97215941 73575166 44449716
33931725 55526611 14422052 58043874
72137330 9647841 15940696 14209953
49020884 28901139 50493274 49150070
126525083 6382741 89108298 9239736
110168549 95370260 116653531 123410704
16733666 49030283 108545122 99095666
133850078 63499302 21541383 6230752
89077457 70392766 6670456 61746272
83349536 115272185 20129909 106148554
117042376 71431188 45287809 107702121
The first row are the 4 source nodes for the first BC trial,
the 2nd row is for the second BC trial, and so on.
These node ids also appear as Problem.aux.sources, in one-based
notation. One-based notation is used because the Matrix Market
format is one-based, as is MATLAB. If you use a zero-based method
(such as the GAP benchmark itself, or the C API to GraphBLAS), be
sure to subtract one from the node ids above (and in
Problem.aux.sources) to obtain the right source nodes.
The GAP/GAP-urand matrix was generated by the GAP benchmark and then
incorporated into the SuiteSparse Matrix Collection by Tim Davis.