
cube-connected cycle graph sequence
Name ccc
Group AG-Monien
Matrix ID 2438
Num Rows 49,152
Num Cols 49,152
Nonzeros 147,456
Pattern Entries 147,456
Kind Undirected Graph Sequence
Symmetric Yes
Date 1998
Author R. Diekmann, R. Preis
Editor R. Diekmann, R. Preis
Structural Rank
Structural Rank Full
Num Dmperm Blocks
Strongly Connect Components 1
Num Explicit Zeros 0
Pattern Symmetry 100%
Numeric Symmetry 100%
Cholesky Candidate no
Positive Definite no
Type binary
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AG-Monien Graph Collection, Ralf Diekmann and Robert Preis            
A collection of test graphs from various sources.  Many of the graphs          
include XY or XYZ coordinates.  This set also includes some graphs from        
the Harwell-Boeing collection, the NASA matrices, and some random matrices     
which are not included here in the AG-Monien/ group of the UF Collection.      
In addition, two graphs already appear in other groups:                        
   AG-Monien/big : same as Nasa/barth5, Pothen/barth5 (not included here)      
   AG-Monien/cage_3_11 : same as Pajek/GD98_c (included here)                  
The AG-Monien/GRID subset is not included.  It contains square grids that      
are already well-represented in the UF Collection.                             
Six of the problem sets are included as sequences, each sequence being         
a single problem instance in the UF Collection:                                
   bfly:  10 butterfly graphs 3..12                                            
   cage:  45 cage graphs 3..12                                                 
   cca:   10 cube-connected cycle graphs, no wrap                              
   ccc:   10 cube-connected cycle graphs, with wrap                            
   debr:  18 De Bruijn graphs                                                  
   se:    13 shuffle-exchange graphs                                           
Problem.aux.G{:} are the graphs in these 6 sequences.  Problem.aux.Gname{:}    
are the original names of each graph, and Problemm.aux.Gcoord{:} are the       
xy or xyz coordinates of each node, if present.                                
Graphs in the ccc sequence:                                                    
     1 : CCC3         :      24 nodes      36 edges      72 nonzeros           
     2 : CCC4         :      64 nodes      96 edges     192 nonzeros           
     3 : CCC5         :     160 nodes     240 edges     480 nonzeros           
     4 : CCC6         :     384 nodes     576 edges    1152 nonzeros           
     5 : CCC7         :     896 nodes    1344 edges    2688 nonzeros           
     6 : CCC8         :    2048 nodes    3072 edges    6144 nonzeros           
     7 : CCC9         :    4608 nodes    6912 edges   13824 nonzeros           
     8 : CCC10        :   10240 nodes   15360 edges   30720 nonzeros           
     9 : CCC11        :   22528 nodes   33792 edges   67584 nonzeros           
    10 : CCC12        :   49152 nodes   73728 edges  147456 nonzeros           
The primary graph (Problem.A) in this sequence is the last graph               
in the sequence.