The SuiteSparse Matrix Collection (formerly the University of Florida Sparse Matrix Collection) is a widely used set of sparse matrix benchmarks collected from a wide range of applications. See the about page for more information.

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Matrix ID
Displaying collection matrices 1001 - 1020 of 2893 in total
Id Name Group Rows Cols Nonzeros Kind Date Download File
1548 c-29 Schenk_IBMNA 5,033 5,033 43,731 Optimization Problem 2006 MATLAB Rutherford Boeing Matrix Market
1549 c-30 Schenk_IBMNA 5,321 5,321 65,693 Optimization Problem 2006 MATLAB Rutherford Boeing Matrix Market
1413 ckt11752_dc_1 IBM_EDA 49,702 49,702 333,029 Circuit Simulation Problem 2006 MATLAB Rutherford Boeing Matrix Market
1550 c-31 Schenk_IBMNA 5,339 5,339 78,571 Optimization Problem 2006 MATLAB Rutherford Boeing Matrix Market
1392 net75 Andrianov 23,120 23,120 1,489,200 Optimization Problem 2006 MATLAB Rutherford Boeing Matrix Market
1414 ckt11752_tr_0 IBM_EDA 49,702 49,702 332,807 Circuit Simulation Problem 2006 MATLAB Rutherford Boeing Matrix Market
1551 c-32 Schenk_IBMNA 5,975 5,975 54,471 Optimization Problem 2006 MATLAB Rutherford Boeing Matrix Market
1583 af_3_k101 Schenk_AFE 503,625 503,625 17,550,675 Structural Problem 2006 MATLAB Rutherford Boeing Matrix Market
1584 af_4_k101 Schenk_AFE 503,625 503,625 17,550,675 Structural Problem 2006 MATLAB Rutherford Boeing Matrix Market
1585 af_5_k101 Schenk_AFE 503,625 503,625 17,550,675 Structural Problem 2006 MATLAB Rutherford Boeing Matrix Market
1347 bundle1 Lourakis 10,581 10,581 770,811 Computer Graphics/Vision Problem 2006 MATLAB Rutherford Boeing Matrix Market
1582 af_2_k101 Schenk_AFE 503,625 503,625 17,550,675 Structural Problem 2006 MATLAB Rutherford Boeing Matrix Market
1586 af_shell10 Schenk_AFE 1,508,065 1,508,065 52,259,885 Structural Problem 2006 MATLAB Rutherford Boeing Matrix Market
1580 af_0_k101 Schenk_AFE 503,625 503,625 17,550,675 Structural Problem 2006 MATLAB Rutherford Boeing Matrix Market
1552 c-33 Schenk_IBMNA 6,317 6,317 56,123 Optimization Problem 2006 MATLAB Rutherford Boeing Matrix Market
1383 lp1 Andrianov 534,388 534,388 1,643,420 Optimization Problem 2006 MATLAB Rutherford Boeing Matrix Market
1581 af_1_k101 Schenk_AFE 503,625 503,625 17,550,675 Structural Problem 2006 MATLAB Rutherford Boeing Matrix Market
1540 c-21 Schenk_IBMNA 3,509 3,509 32,145 Optimization Problem 2006 MATLAB Rutherford Boeing Matrix Market
1370 rajat21 Rajat 411,676 411,676 1,876,011 Circuit Simulation Problem 2006 MATLAB Rutherford Boeing Matrix Market
1382 ins2 Andrianov 309,412 309,412 2,751,484 Optimization Problem 2006 MATLAB Rutherford Boeing Matrix Market