Group MaxPlanck

Group Description
Weather shallow water equations, Max-Planck Institute of Meteoroloy

The two shallow_water* matrices arise from weather shallow water equations
(see, from the Max-Plank Institute of Meteorology.
The problem gives rise to an automatic differentiation problem.  An iterative
solver is used for the larger problem, but a direct sovler is used for
finding the adjoints of a linear problem.  The velocity field is integrated
over a time loop with a semi-implicit method.  The implicit part leads to
a linear problem A*x=b, whose entries vary with time.  Two of these matrices
A are in this collection, with shallow_water1 at dtime=100 and shallow_water2
at dtime=200.  The nonzero patterns of the two matrices are the same, but
shallow_water1 is much slower.  The reason is that many denormals appear
during factorization, which greatly slows down the BLAS.  This can be solved
by compiling with gcc -ffast-math, to flush denormals to zero.
Displaying all 2 collection matrices
Id Name Group Rows Cols Nonzeros Kind Date Download File
2262 shallow_water2 MaxPlanck 81,920 81,920 327,680 Computational Fluid Dynamics Problem 2009 MATLAB Rutherford Boeing Matrix Market
2261 shallow_water1 MaxPlanck 81,920 81,920 327,680 Computational Fluid Dynamics Problem 2009 MATLAB Rutherford Boeing Matrix Market