Group Guettel
Group Description |
3D Transient Electromagnetic Modelleing, Stefan Guettel, Univ Manchester The TEM problem relates to the time-dependent modelling of a transient electromagnetic field in geophysical exploration. The set contains a matrix pencil (C,M) and an initial value vector q, corresponding to a Nedelec finite element discretization of Maxwell's equations for the electric field density e(t). The curl-curl matrix C is symmetric positive semi-definite and the mass matrix M is symmetric positive definite. The problem to be solved is a linear initial value problem M*e'(t) = C*e(t), M*e(0) = q, for logarithmically distributed time points t in the interval [1e-6,1e-3]. There are three test sets which are described in the following publication: @article{BEG2015, title={Three-dimensional transient electromagnetic modelling using rational {K}rylov methods}, author={B{\"o}rner, Ralph-Uwe and Ernst, Oliver G and G{\"u}ttel, Stefan}, journal={Geophysical Journal International}, volume={202}, number={3}, pages={2025--2043}, year={2015}, publisher={Oxford University Press} } The problem details are TEM27623: section 5.1 in the above paper; layered half-space problem discretized by 24582 tetrahedral elements of order 1 giving rise to 27623 degrees of freedom. TEM152078: section 5.1 in the above paper; layered half-space problem discretized by 24582 tetrahedral elements of order 2 giving rise to 152078 degrees of freedom. TEM181302: section 5.2 in the above paper; homogeneous subsurface with topography discretized by 28849 tetrahedral elements of order 2 giving rise to 181302 degrees of freedom. |
Displaying all 3 collection matrices
Id | Name | Group | Rows | Cols | Nonzeros | Kind | Date | Download File |
2812 | TEM152078 | Guettel | 152,078 | 152,078 | 6,459,326 | Electromagnetics Problem | 2015 | MATLAB Rutherford Boeing Matrix Market |
2813 | TEM181302 | Guettel | 181,302 | 181,302 | 7,839,010 | Electromagnetics Problem | 2015 | MATLAB Rutherford Boeing Matrix Market |
2811 | TEM27623 | Guettel | 27,623 | 27,623 | 439,469 | Electromagnetics Problem | 2015 | MATLAB Rutherford Boeing Matrix Market |