
Linear programming problem (H. Mittelmann test set)
Name stormG2_1000
Group Mittelmann
Matrix ID 1660
Num Rows 528,185
Num Cols 1,377,306
Nonzeros 3,459,881
Pattern Entries 3,459,881
Kind Linear Programming Problem
Symmetric No
Date 2005
Editor H. Mittelmann
Structural Rank 526,185
Structural Rank Full false
Num Dmperm Blocks 3,002
Strongly Connect Components 5,001
Num Explicit Zeros 0
Pattern Symmetry 0%
Numeric Symmetry 0%
Cholesky Candidate no
Positive Definite no
Type real
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Hans Mittelmann test set,
minimize c'*x, subject to A*x=b and lo <= x <= hi