
Netlib LP problem pds_02: minimize c'*x, where Ax=b, lo<=x<=hi
Name lp_pds_02
Group LPnetlib
Matrix ID 649
Num Rows 2,953
Num Cols 7,716
Nonzeros 16,571
Pattern Entries 16,571
Kind Linear Programming Problem
Symmetric No
Date 1990
Author J. Kennington
Editor I. Lustig
Structural Rank 2,953
Structural Rank Full true
Num Dmperm Blocks 300
Strongly Connect Components 1
Num Explicit Zeros 0
Pattern Symmetry 0%
Numeric Symmetry 0%
Cholesky Candidate no
Positive Definite no
Type integer
SVD Statistics
Matrix Norm 9.593919e+00
Minimum Singular Value 1.534123e-15
Condition Number 6.253681e+15
Rank 2,942
sprank(A)-rank(A) 11
Null Space Dimension 11
Full Numerical Rank? no
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A Netlib LP problem, in lp/data/kennington.  For more information             
send email to netlib@ornl.gov with the message:                               
	 send index from lp                                                          
	 send readme from lp/data                                                    
	 send readme from lp/data/kennington                                         
The following are relevant excerpts from lp/data/kennington/readme:           
The "Kennington" problems: sixteen problems described in "An Empirical        
Evaluation of the KORBX Algorithms for Military Airlift Applications"         
by W. J. Carolan, J. E. Hill, J. L. Kennington, S. Niemi, S. J.               
Wichmann (Operations Research vol. 38, no. 2 (1990), pp. 240-248).            
The following table gives some statistics for the "Kennington"                
problems.  The number of columns excludes slacks and surpluses.               
The bounds column tells how many entries appear in the BOUNDS                 
section of the MPS file.  The mpc column shows the bytes in                   
the problem after "uncompress" and before "emps"; MPS shows                   
the bytes after "emps".  The optimal values were computed by                  
Vanderbei's ALPO, running on an SGI computer (with binary IEEE                
Name       rows  columns  nonzeros  bounds      mpc      MPS     optimal value
PDS-02     2954    7535     21252     2134    197821    801690   2.8857862e+10
Submitted to Netlib by Irv Lustig.