
2D wind tunnel evaporation, Christoph Grueninger, Univ. Stuttgart
Name windtunnel_evap2d
Group Grueninger
Matrix ID 2814
Num Rows 8,256
Num Cols 8,256
Nonzeros 109,368
Pattern Entries 233,468
Kind Computational Fluid Dynamics Problem
Symmetric No
Date 2017
Author C. Gr\"uninger
Editor T. Davis
Structural Rank 8,256
Structural Rank Full true
Num Dmperm Blocks 65
Strongly Connect Components 65
Num Explicit Zeros 124,100
Pattern Symmetry 100%
Numeric Symmetry 0%
Cholesky Candidate no
Positive Definite no
Type real
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Wind tunnel evaporation, Christoph Grueninger, Univ. Stuttgart           
Source: Christoph Grueninger, pr at                        
Stuttgart Research Centre for Simulation Technology,                     
Univ. of Stuttgart, Germany                                              
Matrix files: windtunnel-evaporation-(2|3)d-time4-newton1.mat            
Right-hand sides: windtunnel-evaporation-(2|3)d-time4-newton1-rhs.mat    
== Background ==                                                         
The matrix origins from a simulation of soil-water evaporation from a    
water-filled sand box to air in a pipe. It is based on a coupled         
Navier-Stokes/Darcy model. The Navier-Stokes model features one fluid    
phase, the Darcy model two fluid phases. Each fluid phase may be composed
of two components, in addition, non-isothermal processes are considered. 
A cell-centered finite volume method (FVM) is combined with a marker and 
cell (MAC) scheme. The coupled problem is compiled in one monolithic     
system and solved using Newton's method. The given matrix occurs at the  
4th time-step in the 1st Newton step.                                    
== Publication and software==                                            
The related model and the software is described in:                      
  Christoph Gr\"uninger, Thomas Fetzer, Bernd Flemisch, Rainer Helmig:   
  "Coupling DuMuX and DUNE-PDELab to investigate evaporation             
  at the interface between Darcy and Navier-Stokes flow"                 
  SimTech Technical Report 2017 - 1, 2017.                               
  doi: 10.18419/opus-9360                                                     
An implementation of a coupled Navier-Stokes/Darcy model based on        
different Dune discretization modules is presented. The Darcy model is   
taken from DuMuX, the Navier-Stokes model is implemented on top of       
Dune-PDELab, and the coupling is done with help of Dune-MultiDomain      
together with some project-specific auxiliary code. The Navier-Stokes    
model features one fluid phase, the Darcy model two fluid phases. Each   
fluid phase may be composed of two components, in addition,              
non-isothermal processes are considered. The coupling between free and   
porous-medium flow uses a sharp interface between both subdomains and    
conserves mass, momentum, and energy by accounting for the corresponding 
fluxes across the interface. A cell-centered finite volume method (FVM)  
is combined with a marker and cell (MAC) scheme. It solves the coupled   
problem in one monolithic system using a Newton method and a direct      
linear solver.  Numerical results demonstrate the basic functioning and a
lab-scale reference application.                                         
The software to reproduce the matrices is available as open source: